Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Guderian’s Blitzkrieg II - AAR

Operation Typhoon
Turn 1 (Axis): 1st October 1941
Weather: Dry
Air Operations: Normal
Replacement  DR = 1 Eqp, 2 Pax
Supply DR = 12
Fuel Used
Ammo Used
Captured Supply

  Opening moves for Operation Typhoon.  South Sector
East of Shostka

Above shows major advances south of Bryansk.  Objective is to cutoff troops defending Bryansk and drive on the city.  Capturing Orel cuts off supply to Bryansk from the east.  Breakthrough was achieved by a series of barrages followed by overruns along the axis of advance.  3rd, 4th and 18th Pz Divisions defeated 2 Soviet tank units in detail to achieve results.  17th Pz fought through a defensive line of inferior Soviet infantry divisions.  Total losses for Soviets, 2 Infantry divisions, cav div and an HQ.  No German losses.  Dogfight over L'Gov resulted in substantial Mig-2 losses.

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