Thursday, October 17, 2013

Monty's Gamble Playthrough Game 2, Turn 1

Monty's Gamble Game 2

Since I made so many mistakes in the last game I am going to try this again. 

D-Day Opening
  • Very successful air bombardment, but Eindoven FT not flipped
  • Not vey successful XXX Corp artillery bombardment...only 4AP
  • Airlanding segment sees only one AB unit flipped. Overasselt bridges to Grave and Hatert siezed,  Grave FT destroyed and assault in St Oenrude against FT  fails.
  • Gds assault causes 4CP leaving 2 fresh Germans in Zone F
Impulse 0
  • Germans attempt bridge demolition from St Oedenrude and blow the Dommel River and Wilhelmina Canal bridges 
  • British take Arnhem and assault in Zone F.  As a change from Game 1 three units are moved to Arhem instead of 2. However, this means Dreil was not occupied.  
Impulse 1
  • Germans activate Osterhout and move 9SS recon to Driel to block 1AB from crossing the Rhine.  This is a change in tactics from game one.  Allies can't assault Nijmegan this turn so the recon unit is not needed there.
  • 1 AB successfully assaults Wolfheize and fails to eliminate the last German in Zone F.

Impulse 2
  • Germans activate Cleve and reinforce Wyler with 2 battalions.
  • Allies use air bombardment on Valkenswaard to weaken defender.  Successfully disrupt both units.
Impulse 2
  • Germans activate Veghal and blow the canal bridge.
  • Allies activate Mook and occupy Groesbeek Heights and Beek.  Use free impulse in Zone F for an assault resulting in a single CP.  Germans still holding. 
Impulse 3
  • Germans activate Veghal and blow the canal bridge.
  • Allies activate St Oedenrude and fail to eliminate the FT.  Free activation in Zone F sees destruction of the defenders in Zone F and Valkenswaard, but the Eindhoven bridge remains in German possession and XX Corp is done.  However, Allies did gain a sunrise modifier for eliminating 3 German units.

Impulse 4
  • Germans activate Eindhoven, but fail to blow the bridge.
  • Allies activate Overasselt and eliminate the FT in Hatert.
Impulse 5
  • Germans activate Zone B and move 2 units to Pannerdern.
  • Allies activate St Oedenrude and fail to eliminate the FT.

Impulse 6
  • Germans activate Eindhoven, but fail to blow the bridge.
  • Allies activate St Oedenrude and fail to eliminate the FT.  Turn ends..... 
The Allies fail to contest or capture Eindhoven for an extra VP, but the position in Arnhem seems pretty good.

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