Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Monty's Gamble: Game 1, Turn 3

Monty's Gamble, Turn 3

Weather Overcast

Impulse B
  • Germans infiltrate from Lichtenbeek  to Oosterbeek with 10SS Flak.  Thus cutting off Arhem from reinforcements again
  • British successfully assault Nijmegen causing 6CP.  Germans absorb casualties and retreat one spent unit to Oosterhout.  Still have a fresh FT, spent SS recon and 3 Disrupt 1 infantry battalions in Nijmegan
Impulse A
  • Germans bombard Arnhem with SS Corp artillery and flip one unit.
  • British successfully assault Nijmegen causing 4CP.  Germans absorb casualties and by increasing disruption levels on existing units.  No retreats..  Germans still have 9 CP worth of units in Nijmegan
Impulse 0
  • Germans assault Arnhem with 3 SS division units causing 2CP.  Fresh 1AB unit becomes spent and spent unit becomes disrupt 1.
  • British unsuccessfully assault Nijmegen  Allies will wait for the weather to clear before making another assault.
The Germans feel that Nijmegan is lost and the only path to victory is to press on against Arhem.  Germans threaten the road to Nijmegan but the assaults are all at least -1.  XXX Corp concentrating on Nijmegan.  If the road gets cut there are reserve units that can counter attack.

Impulse 1
  • Germans activate Arnhem and move one unit to Wolfheze and Oosterbeek.  This will reinforce the cordon around Arhem.  Germans will go in for the kill tomorrow.
  • Americans unsuccessfully assault Best (looking for a VP).  Arhem sector is best to defend as it will save supply.  Nijmegan needs some bombardment prior to the next assault.  Realistically the Germans cannot supply Nijmegan so the situation will not get any worse.
Impulse 2
  • Germans bombard Veghel with no effect.
  • British  activate Wolfheze and successfully assault into Oosterbeek causing only 1 CP.  1AB is trying to open the way to Arhem.
Impulse 3
  • Germans activate zone B and advance Flak to Pannerdern and artillery to Lichtenberg. 
  • British  activate Zeeland and advance XXX Corp and Guards artillery to Hatert.
Impulse 4
  • Germans activate Ede and advance a battalion to Renkum.  Allies left it undefended because it was though to be unneeded area.  however it is an area eligible for air supply counter so we will see at the end of the turn if it was wise to let it go.
  • Pass. holding units in reserve in case of German assault against the road areas.
Impulse 5
  • Germans activate Zone A and move flak and armor to Lictenbeek
  • Activare Hatert and assault Nijmegan with a single tank battalion.  Assault fails and turn ends.
End of turn thoughts....  Allies have 8 VP and will have two more if Arhem holds out.  Will also gain enough VP if Nijmegan is captured, so we are headed for a final showdown in Nijmegan.  Allies will lose a VP for Germans contesting 6VP worth of areas, so i think Nijmegan is the key.

End of turn snapshots from Arnhem and Nijmegan;

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