Monday, October 7, 2013

Monty's Gamble: Game 1, Turn 2

Monty's Gamble, Turn 2

Impulse 0
  • Germans place interdiction in Ginkel Heide
  • British repair the Son bridge.

Impulse 1
  • Germans activate Cleve and move two units to Nimegen
  • British activate UK and bring in 1AB reinforcements loosing one to interdiction
Impulse 2
  • Germans activate Panerden and bombard Arhem "spending" one 1AB battalion
  • Allies assault Best causing 1 CP.  Spend German infantry battalion
Impulse 3
  • Germans activate Panerden and move units to Huissen and Bemmel using the ferries
  • Allies activate Woensel. Move XXX Corp recon battalion to Overasselt linking XXX to 82nd airborne areas.
  • Free activation of Zone F.  Use highway movement to move units to Overasselt.  Gain XXX Corp reinforcements for crossing ihe Maas.
Impulse 4
  • Germans activate Reichswald and move all units to Nijmegan.
  • Allies activate K and bring in 101st reinforcements to St Oedenrode.  unit move to Woensel.
  • Free activation of Zone F - move infantry to Eindoven and EErde.
Impulse 5
  • Germans activate Lichtenbeek and attempt infiltration into Oosterbeek.  Armor succeeds infantry fails and is thrown back Disrupt 1.
  • Allies activate Overasselt and attempts bridge repair and succeed.  82nd battalion assaults across the canal and defeats the FT taking Hatert.
  • Free activation of Zone F.  Use highway movement to move units to Hatert.
Impulse 6
  • Germans activate Zone B and move to Arnhem.
  • Allies activate Groesbeck and assault Wyler with to 82AB battalions eliminating the Flak tower.
  • Free activation of Zone F.  Move 43rd division artillery to Veghel.
Impulse 7
  • Germans activate Arnhem and move mech. infantry to Pannerden.
  • Allies activate Renkum and assault Oesterbeek.
Impulse 8
  • Germans activate Zone A and move to Arnhem
  • Allies activate Ginkel Heidi and assault Wolfheinze.
So far Allies have been very successful in their assaults.  I think I have been too passive with the Germans.  I have avoided any assaults that are not at least even up.

Impulse 9
  • Germans activate Ede and assault Ginklese heise causing 1 CP
  • Allies activate UK and bring in 82nd AB artillery to Groesbeek.
  • Weather change!
Impulse 10
  • Germans activate Delen and infiltrate FLAK into Wolfheinze
  • Allies activate Vaalkenswaard and move artillery up the road to Uden. Turn Ends

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