Saturday, October 19, 2013

Monty's Gamble; Playthrough Game 2, Turn 2

Monty's Gamble Game 2

Turn 2

Impulse 0
  • Germans activate Hussien and move a unit to Nijmegan
  • Allies activate Valkenswaard and take Eindhoven
Impulse 1
  • Germans activate Bimmel and move a unit to Elden
  • Allies activate Valkenswaard and take Woensel
Impulse 2
  • Germans activate Best and reinforce St Oedenrude with a single Battalion.  This move is simply to delay the rebuilding of the Son bridge.  The battalion is expendable.
  • Allies activate Woensel and successfully repair the Son bridge.  So much for the delaying tactic!
Impulse 3
  • Germans activate Zone G and reinforce Best
  • Allies activate Valkenswaard and eliminate Germans in St Oedenrude.
Impulse 4
  • Germans activate Helmond and move to block the road at Uden
  • Allies activate Eerde and attempt to repair the bridge. Bridge repaired; the engineers have their act together.
Impulse 5
  • Germans activate Ede and successfully assault Ginkelse Heide causing 3CP.
  • Allies activate Valkenswaard and attack Uden with single recon unit.  Stalemate result 
Impulse 6
  • Germans activate Pannerdern and bombard Arnhem with no result.
  • Allies activate Valkenswaard and attack Uden with single recon unit.  Stalemate result  
Impulse 7
  • Germans activate Pannerdern and cross the Rhine into Hussien and Bemmel.
  • Allies activate UK and bring on 1AB reinforcements to Ginkelse Heide.  Two battalions move to reinforce Wolfheize.
Impulse 8
  • Germans activate Zone B and move units to Pannedern and an Flak unit to Lichtenbeek. This move tightens the cordon around Arnhem. Because of the powerful defense in Arnhem the best move is to prevent the 1AB from getting to the south side of the Rhine.  A direct assault on Arhem is not likely to succeed.
  • Allies activate Eerde and attack into Uden and are unsuccessful.
  • Weather change!  The Germans have been waiting for this to attempt some infiltration.
Impulse 9
  • Germans
  • Allies activate UK and bring on 82 AB reinforcements to Groesbeek and 101st unit to St Oedenrude.
  • Weather change again...back to clear skies.

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